Welcome to Connected Math:
Free stuff from Lorraine - Easily implemented for making connected meaning.
Lorraine the Musician: Visit my www.lorrainebaron.com
Please note that, for now, this website is always under construction - I will be adding resources continuously for some time.
This site was started on August 18th, 2016 by Lorraine M Baron.
To experience a cool unit of lessons on Quadratic Functions, skip immediately to:
Applets and Video Lessons
Note: **The lessons and applets on this site work best on a laptop or desktop and with Firefox as a browser.
Applets and Video Lessons
Note: **The lessons and applets on this site work best on a laptop or desktop and with Firefox as a browser.

This website is for you.
It is an accumulation of the resources I have developed over my career, and I hope they bring you joy and understanding :)
Under the tabs called "basics" are content areas that high school students commonly find tricky.
All those typical "problem" areas like fractions, basic multiplication facts and factoring, exponent laws, functions... If our students don't learn these, they will come back again and again to cause them (and us!;) grief...
Sometimes we need more than one way to explain things, and the "basics" are my effort to help remediate these tricky areas. It's worth it to take the time for remediation. On this site, I have included ways to remediate, and/or to make it stick the first time around :)
I've always been quite a visual learner and teacher, so almost everything has a visual, graphical, or hands-on component.
For a sample of Applets and Video designed to introduce a unit on quadratic functions, please visit this page :)
I have found that the more ways that a student can understand the same concept, the more likely s/he will be able to retrieve it for a desired purpose in another context.
I hope you enjoy the resources. Feel free to share, pin, post or tweet any of my ideas and activities - it's nice (really super-nice!;) if you cite me, but the point is to share :)
How to cite this webpage (in APA 6th style):
Baron, L. M. (2016). Connected Mathematics Website. Retrieved from http://connectedmathbaron.weebly.com/
It is an accumulation of the resources I have developed over my career, and I hope they bring you joy and understanding :)
Under the tabs called "basics" are content areas that high school students commonly find tricky.
All those typical "problem" areas like fractions, basic multiplication facts and factoring, exponent laws, functions... If our students don't learn these, they will come back again and again to cause them (and us!;) grief...
Sometimes we need more than one way to explain things, and the "basics" are my effort to help remediate these tricky areas. It's worth it to take the time for remediation. On this site, I have included ways to remediate, and/or to make it stick the first time around :)
I've always been quite a visual learner and teacher, so almost everything has a visual, graphical, or hands-on component.
For a sample of Applets and Video designed to introduce a unit on quadratic functions, please visit this page :)
I have found that the more ways that a student can understand the same concept, the more likely s/he will be able to retrieve it for a desired purpose in another context.
I hope you enjoy the resources. Feel free to share, pin, post or tweet any of my ideas and activities - it's nice (really super-nice!;) if you cite me, but the point is to share :)
How to cite this webpage (in APA 6th style):
Baron, L. M. (2016). Connected Mathematics Website. Retrieved from http://connectedmathbaron.weebly.com/